Earnings Disclaimer
You recognize and agree that we have made no implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you, about future prospects or earnings, or that you will earn any money, by joining any of the programs mentioned at this website.

Any earnings or income statements, or income examples, are only estimates of what each of featured products or advertisers, estimate that you could earn. We cannot assure that you will do as much. If you rely on these figures, you must accept the risk of not doing as well.

Your success can only be determined by you, and by your background, work ethics, practice and/or business skills. We cannot guarantee that you might do as well as other success stories you might have heard of.

Internet business is affected by several factors outside marketers and/or websites, such as economic recession. Your results may be affected by these factors as a part of internet business uncertainty.

You are advised to do Your own due diligence when it comes to making business decisions and should use caution and seek the advice of qualified professionals. You should check with Your accountant, lawyer, or professional advisor, before acting on this or any information. You may not consider any examples, documents, or other content on the website or otherwise provided by us to be the equivalent of legal advice. Nothing contained on the website or in materials available for sale or download on the website provides legal advice in any way. You should consult with your own attorney on any legal questions you may have.

We assume no responsibility for any losses or damages resulting from your use of any link, information, or opportunity contained within the website or within any information disclosed by the owner of this site in any form whatsoever.

Testimonials and examples featured at this website and/or any of our featured product sites can be considered as exceptional results. Any claims or representations from our partners, or this site, are not to be considered as average results.

Average results may vary depending upon the success of your campaign, and are directly responsible and proportionate to the work, effort and time/money investment you put on your website and campaign. There is no assurance that any past success, published at any of our affiliates, can be considered as a future reference, on how well you are going to do. Please note that some customers have made nothing within a month, up to be gathering results within the next 5 to 6 months. Please note, that you may not make any money from whichever product you decide to purchase from our website, as some customers have. We cannot assure or deny that the results depicted at this website, are that of an average nature.

You agree that our company or any of it's featured products/sites, not to be directly responsible for the success and or failure of your campaigns or business.

Finally, we urge you to be well prepared for any decision you may take upon purchasing any of the products featured here at www.1webreviews.com. Inform yourself about the product that you are going to purchase, in order to make an educated guess.